Page 13 - Anuario FFCC - 2022
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vation and studies on the railway in its political, economic and   Manel Villalante i Llauradó
            social environment.                               Francisco David Lucas Parrón
            Edit and disseminate printed and electronic journal “Via Libre”,   Mª José Rallo del Olmo
            maintaining its informative and divulging character on the rai-  Antonio Oviedo García
            lroad, according to the aims of the Foundation and any other   Rafael García Martínez
            publication that is considered relevant for the purposes of the
            Foundation.                                       Adif
            Edit and publish national and international railway documenta-  Paloma Rodriguez Pesado
            tion deemed of interest and books or brochures that can relate   Jesús María Campo Campo
            to the objectives and purposes of the Foundation.  Pedro Pablo Merino
            Organizing cultural activities related to the railway such as li-  Isabel Pardo de Vera
            terature  prizes,  Photographic  competitions  and  exhibitions,   Miguel Ángel Cilleros Sánchez
            among others.                                                                                       Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles
            Awarding scholarship and grants for training and researching   Adif Alta Velocidad
            related with railways.                            Manuel Martínez Cepeda
            Organizing and supporting meetings, courses, seminars, confe-  Michaux Miranda Paniagua
            rences and events about the railway. The Foundation collabora-  Juan Pablo Villanueva Beltramini
            tes and helps other entities or persons to attend these activities   Javier Herrero Lizano
            organized by other institutions in Spain and abroad.  Javier Seoane Icaran
                                                              Marta Subirà i Roca
            Trustees of Fundacion:                            Roser Obrer Marco
            Renfe Operadora                                   Mateu Capellà Ribot
            Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF).  Silvia Roldán Fernández
            Adif Alta Velocidad                               Ernesto Martínez Cabredo
            Eusko Trenbideak (Euskotren)                      Alfonso Ochoa de Olza Galé
            Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC)   Jaime Seijas Rodríguez
            Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV)   Juan Pedro Galiano
            Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca (SFM)
            Euskal Trenbidea Sarea (ETS)                      Santiago Torres Sierra, Transports Metropolitans de Barce-
            Metro de Madrid, S.A.                             lona
            Puertos del Estado                                Julio Jesús Caballero Sánchez, Agencia de Obra Pública de
            Agencia de Obra Pública de la Junta de Andalucía (AOP)  la Junta de Andalucía
            Transport Metropolitá de Barcelona (TMB)
            Asociación Turística Ferroviaria (ATF)


            Honorary President, Raquel Sánchez Jiménez
            President, Isaías Táboas Suarez
            Vice President, Mª Luisa Domínguez González
            Chairman of the Government Commission, Teresa Torres To-
            Secretary of the Board, José Luis Marroquín Mochales
            Ramón Azuara Sánchez
            José Luis Cachafeiro Vila
            Manuel Sempere Luján
            Ángel Jiménez Gutiérrez

            Spanish Railway Yearbook  2022 Anuario del Ferrocarril                                              11
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